Disassembling the CP/M boot loader

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Disassembling the CP/M boot loader

Post by Milli » Sun Feb 02, 2020 8:53 am

I have disassembled the CP/M boot loader so that it is now fully compilable and also modifiable. I have added notes to the source code that is shown below and is also attached to this post. This has been disassembled in the past and is in the Archive (http://adamarchive.org/archive/Adam/Tec ... 20Adam.pdf but that disassembly is not compilable or modifiable.

Code: Select all

               ; **************************************************************
               ; Coleco Adam CP/M 2.2 BOOT disassembly
               ; William "Milli" Hicks
               ; 01/29/2020      Start disassembly
               ; 01/30/2020      Initial disassembly complete
               ; **************************************************************

               ; **************************************************************
               ; Memory storage locations
               ; **************************************************************
RAMDISK        .equ    04dh                                ; RAMDISK FFh = No
BOOTDEVICE     .equ    04eh                                ; EOS device number booted from
CPMBOOT        .equ    04fh                                ; 0,1 Tape 1,2. 2,3 Disk 1,2
MEMLOC1        .equ    0ee3bh

               ; **************************************************************
               ; IO Ports
               ; **************************************************************

MEMBANK        .equ    07fh

               .org    0c800h                              ; Initial load point

               jr      L_C803                              ; c800 18 01
               push    hl                                  ; c802 e5
               ; **************************************************************
               ; Put a RET at the NMI address of 66h to disable any NMI's
               ; that are happening.
               ; Not sure why they didn't use RETI (RETurn Interrupt) except
               ; that the RET instruction uses 1 cycle and the RETI uses 4.
               ; **************************************************************
               ld      a,$c9                               ; c803 3e c9
               ld      ($0066),a                           ; c805 32 66 00
               ; **************************************************************
               ; Set the stack to start building down from the loaded code
               ; **************************************************************
               ld      sp,$c7ff                            ; c808 31 ff c7
               ; **************************************************************
               ; NULL A then test which device we booted from.
               ; When done A will hold the drive we booted from:
               ; 0 = Tape 1
               ; 1 = Tape 2
               ; 2 = Disk 1
               ; 3 = Disk 2
               ; The boot device is held in register B. If bit 3 is set then the
               ; boot device is 8 or 18h (tape 1 or 2).
               ; **************************************************************
               xor     a                                   ; c80b af
               bit     3,b                                 ; c80c cb 58
               ; **************************************************************
               ; Jump if bit 3 is set so its tape 1 or 2
               ; **************************************************************
               jr      nz,L_C819                           ; c80e 20 09
               ; **************************************************************
               ; Setup for disk 1 and test if its disk 2
               ; **************************************************************
               ld      a,$02                               ; c810 3e 02
               bit     0,b                                 ; c812 cb 40
               ; **************************************************************
               ; Bit 0 not set so its disk 1
               ; **************************************************************
               jr      z,L_C81D                            ; c814 28 07
               ; **************************************************************
               ; Bit set so its tape 2 or disk 2
               ; **************************************************************
               inc     a                                   ; c816 3c
               jr      L_C81D                              ; c817 18 04
               ; **************************************************************
               ; Bit 4 set if we are booting from tape 2
               ; **************************************************************
               bit     4,b                                 ; c819 cb 60
               jr      nz,L_C816                           ; c81b 20 f9

               ; **************************************************************
               ; Save the boot number (0 - 3) and default to no RAM disk
               ; **************************************************************
               ld      (CPMBOOT),a                         ; c81d 32 4f 00
               ld      a,$ff                               ; c820 3e ff
               ld      (RAMDISK),a                         ; c822 32 4d 00
               ; **************************************************************
               ; Save the EOS boot device number (4,5,8,18h)
               ; **************************************************************
               ld      a,b                                 ; c825 78
               ld      (BOOTDEVICE),a                      ; c826 32 4e 00
               ; **************************************************************
               ; Setup to load BIOS from tracks 1 to 7 (6kb) to memory
               ; address 0da00h. This only loads one block at at time
               ; **************************************************************
               ld      h,$06                               ; c829 26 06
               ld      bc,$0001                            ; c82b 01 01 00
               ld      de,$da00                            ; c82e 11 00 da
               push    hl                                  ; c831 e5
               push    af                                  ; c832 f5
               push    bc                                  ; c833 c5
               push    de                                  ; c834 d5
               ; **************************************************************
               ; Load the tracks
               ; **************************************************************
               call    L_C955                               ; c835 cd 55 c9
               ; **************************************************************
               ; Jump if carry clear = Error loading BIOS
               ; **************************************************************
               jr      nc,L_C89A                            ; c838 30 60
               ; **************************************************************
               ; Track loaded
               ; **************************************************************
               pop     de                                   ; c83a d1
               ld      hl,$0400                             ; c83b 21 00 04
               add     hl,de                                ; c83e 19
               ex      de,hl                                ; c83f eb
               pop     bc                                   ; c840 c1
               inc     bc                                   ; c841 03
               pop     af                                   ; c842 f1
               pop     hl                                   ; c843 e1
               dec     h                                    ; c844 25
               ; **************************************************************
               ; Do more tracks until H = 0 (6 tracks total)
               ; **************************************************************
               jr      nz,L_C831                            ; c845 20 ea
               ; **************************************************************
               ; Check for expansion RAM and if so set up the drive M: ram disk
               ; Setup to check lower 32K of expansion ram. Only tests the first
               ; 5K of data and assumes that the rest of the expansion RAM is ok
               ; if this passes.
               ; It tests the following bytes in low expansion ram:
               ; 132, 1156, 2180, 3204 and 4228
               ; **************************************************************
               ld      a,$02                                ; c847 3e 02
               out     (MEMBANK),a                          ; c849 d3 7f
               ld      hl,$0084                             ; c84b 21 84 00
               ld      de,$0400                             ; c84e 11 00 04
               ld      b,$05                                ; c851 06 05
               ; **************************************************************
               ; Text if expansion RAM exists by writing and reading from it
               ; **************************************************************
               ld      a,(hl)                               ; c853 7e
               ld      c,a                                  ; c854 4f
               xor     $55                                  ; c855 ee 55
               ld      (hl),a                               ; c857 77
               cp      (hl)                                 ; c858 be
               ; **************************************************************
               ; No expansion RAM so jump
               ; **************************************************************
               jr      nz,L_C88D                            ; c859 20 32
               xor     $55                                  ; c85b ee 55
               ld      (hl),c                               ; c85d 71
               cp      (hl)                                 ; c85e be
               ; **************************************************************
               ; No expansion RAM so jump
               ; **************************************************************
               jr      nz,L_C88D                            ; c85f 20 2c
               ; **************************************************************
               ; Next 1kb boundary - do till B = 0
               ; **************************************************************
               add     hl,de                                ; c861 19
               djnz    L_C853                               ; c862 10 ef
               ld      bc,$14e9                             ; c864 01 e9 14
               ld      hl,($0082)                           ; c867 2a 82 00
               sbc     hl,bc                                ; c86a ed 42
               jr      z,L_C87B                             ; c86c 28 0d
               ; **************************************************************
               ; Fill lower 32K eith 0e5h - this is CP/M default data on a 
               ; blank disk
               ; **************************************************************
               ld      hl,$0800                             ; c86e 21 00 08
               ld      (hl),$e5                             ; c871 36 e5
               ld      d,h                                  ; c873 54
               ld      e,l                                  ; c874 5d
               inc     de                                   ; c875 13
               ld      bc,$07ff                             ; c876 01 ff 07
               ldir                                         ; c879 ed b0
               ; **************************************************************
               ; Copy the code at L_C8A1 to 0100h in the expansion ram and then
               ; jump to 0115h so we can test upper expansion ram
               ; **************************************************************
               ld      hl,L_C8A1                            ; c87b 21 a1 c8
               ld      de,$0100                             ; c87e 11 00 01
               ld      bc,$003f                             ; c881 01 3f 00
               ldir                                         ; c884 ed b0
               ld      hl,L_C88C                            ; c886 21 8c c8
               jp      $0115                                ; c889 c3 15 01
               .db     021h                                 ; c88c 21
               ; **************************************************************
               ; No RAM disk so save setting and switch back normal RAM
               ; **************************************************************
               ld      c,$ff                                ; c88d 0e ff
               ld      a,$01                                ; c88f 3e 01
               out     (MEMBANK),a                          ; c891 d3 7f
               ld      a,c                                  ; c893 79
               ld      (RAMDISK),a                            ; c894 32 4d 00
               ; **************************************************************
               ; Jump to BIOS Cold Boot at 0da00h
               ; **************************************************************
               jp      $da00                               ; c897 c3 00 da
               ; **************************************************************
               ; Error loading track - clean stack and try again
               ; **************************************************************
               pop     de                                  ; c89a d1
               pop     bc                                  ; c89b c1
               pop     af                                  ; c89c f1
               pop     hl                                  ; c89d e1
               jp      L_C831                              ; c89e c3 31 c8
               ; **************************************************************
               ; Fill upper expansion RAM - this code is copied to 0100h in the
               ; expansion RAM lower 32k and executed there
               ; **************************************************************
               ld      a,$0a                               ; c8a1 3e 0a
               out     (MEMBANK),a                         ; c8a3 d3 7f
               ld      ($0080),bc                          ; c8a5 ed 43 80 00
               ld      bc,$0400                            ; c8a9 01 00 04
               ldir                                        ; c8ac ed b0
               ld      a,$02                               ; c8ae 3e 02
               out     (MEMBANK),a                         ; c8b0 d3 7f
               ld      hl,($0080)                          ; c8b2 2a 80 00
               jp      (hl)                                ; c8b5 e9
               ; **************************************************************
               ; Entry to fill the upper RAM - this is 0115h
               ; **************************************************************
               ld      ($0080),hl                          ; c8b6 22 80 00
               ld      hl,($0082)                          ; c8b9 2a 82 00
               ld      de,$14e9                            ; c8bc 11 e9 14
               or      a                                   ; c8bf b7
               sbc     hl,de                               ; c8c0 ed 52
               jr      z,$c8b2                             ; c8c2 28 ee
               ld      a,$0e                               ; c8c4 3e 0e
               out     (MEMBANK),a                         ; c8c6 d3 7f
               ld      hl,($8000)                          ; c8c8 2a 00 80
               ld      de,$ca53                            ; c8cb 11 53 ca
               or      a                                   ; c8ce b7
               sbc     hl,de                               ; c8cf ed 52
               jr      nz,$c8ae                            ; c8d1 20 db
               ld      hl,$8002                            ; c8d3 21 02 80
               ld      de,$0800                            ; c8d6 11 00 08
               ld      bc,$7800                            ; c8d9 01 00 78
               ldir                                        ; c8dc ed b0
               jr      $c8ae                               ; c8de 18 ce

               .text   "                "
               .text   "      Internal R"
               .text   "ev. 1.50  July 5"
               .text   ", 1984    (c) 19"
               .text   "83,1984, Coleco "
               .text   "Industries Inc. "

               .db     0                                   ; c940
               .db     0                                   ; c941
               .db     0                                   ; c941
               .db     0                                   ; c943
               .db     0                                   ; c944
               .db     0                                   ; c945
               ; **************************************************************
               ; Data checking
               ; **************************************************************
               push    hl                                  ; c946 e5
               ld      a,(hl)                              ; c947 7e
               cp      c                                   ; c948 b9
               jr      nz,L_C953                           ; c949 20 08
               inc     hl                                  ; c94b 23
               ld      a,(hl)                              ; c94c 7e
               cp      e                                   ; c94d bb
               jr      nz,L_C953                           ; c94e 20 03
               inc     hl                                  ; c950 23
               ld      a,(hl)                              ; c951 7e
               cp      d                                   ; c952 ba
               pop     hl                                  ; c953 e1
               ret                                         ; c954 c9
               ; **************************************************************
               ; Load H blocks of data starting at block BC to memory address DE
               ; **************************************************************
               push    de                                  ; c955 d5
               push    bc                                  ; c956 c5
               push    af                                  ; c957 f5
               pop     bc                                  ; c958 c1
               pop     de                                  ; c959 d1
               ld      a,(L_C940)                          ; c95a 3a 40 c9
               cp      b                                   ; c95d b8
               jr      nz,L_C968                           ; c95e 20 08
               ld      hl,(L_C941)                         ; c960 2a 41 c9
               or      a                                   ; c963 b7
               sbc     hl,de                               ; c964 ed 52
               jr      z,L_C98E                            ; c966 28 26
               ld      c,b                                 ; c968 48
               ld      a,b                                 ; c969 78
               ld      (L_C940),a                          ; c96a 32 40 c9
               ld      (L_C941),de                         ; c96d ed 53 41 c9
               ld      hl,L_C943                           ; c971 21 43 c9
               call    L_C946                              ; c974 cd 46 c9
               ld      b,$02                               ; c977 06 02
               push    bc                                  ; c979 c5
               jr      z,L_C983                            ; c97a 28 07
               pop     bc                                  ; c97c c1
               push    bc                                  ; c97d c5
               call    L_C9C8                              ; c97e cd c8 c9
               jr      nc,L_C9C5                           ; c981 30 42
               ld      a,(L_C940)                          ; c983 3a 40 c9
               call    L_C9EC                              ; c986 cd ec c9
               jr      nc,L_C9C5                           ; c989 30 3a
               pop     bc                                  ; c98b c1
               djnz    L_C97D                              ; c98c 10 ef
               pop     de                                  ; c98e d1
               ld      hl,MEMLOC1                            ; c98f 21 3b ee
               ld      bc,$0400                            ; c992 01 00 04
               ldir                                        ; c995 ed b0
               ld      hl,(L_C941)                         ; c997 2a 41 c9
               inc     hl                                  ; c99a 23
               ld      ($c944),hl                          ; c99b 22 44 c9
               ld      a,(L_C940)                          ; c99e 3a 40 c9
               ld      (L_C943),a                          ; c9a1 32 43 c9
               call    L_CA4F                              ; c9a4 cd 4f ca
               jr      nc,L_C9B9                           ; c9a7 30 10
               ld      a,(hl)                              ; c9a9 7e
               or      a                                   ; c9aa b7
               jp      p,L_C9B9                            ; c9ab f2 b9 c9
               ld      (hl),$01                            ; c9ae 36 01
               ld      a,(hl)                              ; c9b0 7e
               rla                                         ; c9b1 17
               jr      nc,L_C9B0                           ; c9b2 30 fc
               or      a                                   ; c9b4 b7
               jr      z,L_C9BE                            ; c9b5 28 07
               ld      (hl),$01                            ; c9b7 36 01
               xor     a                                   ; c9b9 af
               ld      (L_C943),a                          ; c9ba 32 43 c9
               ret                                         ; c9bd c9
               ld      hl,L_C943                           ; c9be 21 43 c9
               jp      L_C9CF                              ; c9c1 c3 cf c9
               pop     bc                                  ; c9c4 c1
               pop     bc                                  ; c9c5 c1
               pop     bc                                  ; c9c6 c1
               ret                                         ; c9c7 c9
               ld      hl,L_C940                           ; c9c8 21 40 c9
               xor     a                                   ; c9cb af
               ld      (L_C943),a                          ; c9cc 32 43 c9
               ld      a,$04                               ; c9cf 3e 04
               ld      (L_C9E6),a                          ; c9d1 32 e6 c9
               rra                                         ; c9d4 1f
               ld      a,(hl)                              ; c9d5 7e
               inc     hl                                  ; c9d6 23
               ld      e,(hl)                              ; c9d7 5e
               inc     hl                                  ; c9d8 23
               ld      d,(hl)                              ; c9d9 56
               ld      hl,MEMLOC1                          ; c9da 21 3b ee
               ld      bc,$0000                            ; c9dd 01 00 00
               push    af                                  ; c9e0 f5
               push    de                                  ; c9e1 d5
               push    hl                                  ; c9e2 e5
               call    L_CA22                              ; c9e3 cd 22 ca
               nop                                         ; c9e6 00
               pop     hl                                  ; c9e7 e1
               pop     de                                  ; c9e8 d1
               pop     bc                                  ; c9e9 c1
               ld      a,b                                 ; c9ea 78
               ret                                         ; c9eb c9
               push    af                                  ; c9ec f5
               call    L_CA4F                              ; c9ed cd 4f ca
               pop     bc                                  ; c9f0 c1
               ld      a,$44                               ; c9f1 3e 44
               ret     nc                                  ; c9f3 d0
               ld      a,(hl)                              ; c9f4 7e
               rlca                                        ; c9f5 07
               jr      nc,L_C9F4                           ; c9f6 30 fc
               ld      (hl),$01                            ; c9f8 36 01
               ld      a,(hl)                              ; c9fa 7e
               or      a                                   ; c9fb b7
               jp      p,L_C9FA                            ; c9fc f2 fa c9
               cp      $9b                                 ; c9ff fe 9b
               jr      z,$c9f8                             ; ca01 28 f5
               xor     $80                                 ; ca03 ee 80
               ld      a,$66                               ; ca05 3e 66
               ret     nz                                  ; ca07 c0
               ld      c,$f0                               ; ca08 0e f0
               ld      a,b                                 ; ca0a 78
               and     c                                   ; ca0b a1
               ld      a,c                                 ; ca0c 79
               jr      nz,L_CA10                           ; ca0d 20 01
               cpl                                         ; ca0f 2f
               ld      bc,$0014                            ; ca10 01 14 00
               push    hl                                  ; ca13 e5
               add     hl,bc                               ; ca14 09
               and     (hl)                                ; ca15 a6
               pop     hl                                  ; ca16 e1
               ret     nz                                  ; ca17 c0
               scf                                         ; ca18 37
               ret                                         ; ca19 c9
               pop     bc                                  ; ca1a c1
               pop     bc                                  ; ca1b c1
               pop     bc                                  ; ca1c c1
               pop     bc                                  ; ca1d c1
               pop     bc                                  ; ca1e c1
               pop     hl                                  ; ca1f e1
               inc     hl                                  ; ca20 23
               jp      (hl)                                ; ca21 e9
               push    af                                  ; ca22 f5
               push    bc                                  ; ca23 c5
               push    de                                  ; ca24 d5
               ld      de,$0400                            ; ca25 11 00 04
               push    de                                  ; ca28 d5
               push    hl                                  ; ca29 e5
               call    L_C9EC                              ; ca2a cd ec c9
               jr      nc,L_CA1A                           ; ca2d 30 eb
               push    hl                                  ; ca2f e5
               ex      de,hl                               ; ca30 eb
               inc     de                                  ; ca31 13
               ld      hl,$0002                            ; ca32 21 02 00
               add     hl,sp                               ; ca35 39
               ld      bc,$0008                            ; ca36 01 08 00
               ldir                                        ; ca39 ed b0
               inc     hl                                  ; ca3b 23
               ld      a,(hl)                              ; ca3c 7e
               inc     hl                                  ; ca3d 23
               rrca                                        ; ca3e 0f
               rrca                                        ; ca3f 0f
               rrca                                        ; ca40 0f
               rrca                                        ; ca41 0f
               and     $0f                                 ; ca42 e6 0f
               ld      (de),a                              ; ca44 12
               pop     de                                  ; ca45 d1
               ld      sp,hl                               ; ca46 f9
               ex      de,hl                               ; ca47 eb
               pop     de                                  ; ca48 d1
               ld      a,(de)                              ; ca49 1a
               inc     de                                  ; ca4a 13
               push    de                                  ; ca4b d5
               ld      (hl),a                              ; ca4c 77
               scf                                         ; ca4d 37
               ret                                         ; ca4e c9

               ; **************************************************************
               ; Setup processor control block and device control blocks
               ; **************************************************************
               ld      hl,$fec3                            ; ca4f 21 c3 fe
               ld      b,(hl)                              ; ca52 46
               inc     b                                   ; ca53 04
               dec     b                                   ; ca54 05
               jr      z,L_CA6B                            ; ca55 28 14
               ld      hl,$fed4                            ; ca57 21 d4 fe
               ld      de,$0015                            ; ca5a 11 15 00
               and     $0f                                 ; ca5d e6 0f
               cp      (hl)                                ; ca5f be
               jr      z,L_CA65                            ; ca60 28 03
               add     hl,de                               ; ca62 19
               djnz    L_CA5F                              ; ca63 10 fa
               ld      de,$fff0                            ; ca65 11 f0 ff
               add     hl,de                               ; ca68 19
               scf                                         ; ca69 37
               ret     z                                   ; ca6a c8
               ld      a,$9b                               ; ca6b 3e 9b
               or      a                                   ; ca6d b7
               ret                                         ; ca6e c9

               ; **************************************************************
               ; The following appears to be left from development
               ; as it is not referenced any where
               ; **************************************************************

               .text   "PAM's face"                        ; ca6f

               ; **************************************************************
               ; This is supposed to be a bitmap format of PAM's face Not sure
               ; what format that would be as there really was no graphic format
               ; then.
               ; **************************************************************

               .db     027h,03ah,069h,078h,06ah,063h,06ah
               .db     06ah,02bh,03fh,063h,04ch,058h,043h,065h
               .db     061h,061h,071h,04fh,061h,034h,062h,047h
               .db     047h,067h,041h,052h,052h,024h,038h,024h
               .db     033h,07ch,06bh,041h,02ch,07bh,078h,078h
               .db     06ch,078h,072h,072h,072h,06ah,03fh,04ch
               .db     073h,02ah,046h,068h,046h,04bh,04bh,061h
               .db     04bh,04bh,064h,070h,04bh,06fh,06fh,07ah
               .db     046h,067h,041h,052h,029h,072h,067h,021h
               .db     028h,03ah,021h,027h,02eh,02eh,02eh,02eh
               .db     02eh,027h,03ch,06ah,04ch,06fh,02ah,04bh
               .db     034h,033h,033h,050h,033h,025h,021h,02eh
               .db     020h,02eh,03ah,03ah,060h,078h,06fh,02eh
               .db     029h,058h,020h,020h,02eh,020h,020h,020h
               .db     02eh,074h,07bh,02eh,020h,02eh,027h,03ch
               .db     079h,049h,061h,033h,052h,038h,041h,07bh
               .db     02eh,02eh,020h,027h,034h,038h,055h,077h
               .db     071h,061h,02eh,02dh,075h,02eh,020h,02eh
               .db     07ch,02eh,027h,07bh,05dh,06ch,05ch,02eh
               .db     05ch,02ch,05fh,069h,063h,061h,05ah,052h
               .db     023h,052h,046h,069h,07eh,03ah,029h,072h
               .db     063h,062h,024h,024h,052h,03dh,02eh,029h
               .db     02fh,028h,03ah,03ah,03ah,05ch,02fh,05ch
               .db     03ah,03ah,03ah,03ah,029h,07bh,072h,02bh
               .db     056h,04bh,045h,023h,023h,024h,041h,055h
               .db     061h,034h,067h,041h,038h,024h,024h,023h
               .db     037h,020h,02eh,03ch,069h,07bh,072h,072h
               .db     069h,03bh,069h,07dh,06ch,074h,02bh,03fh
               .db     063h,079h,074h,063h,05dh,04fh,024h,023h
               .db     023h,023h,023h

               ; **************************************************************
               ; Unsure if this is different or is a continuation of the data
               ; that is PAM's face
               ; **************************************************************

               .text   "RADWAR"                            ; cb63

               .db     038h,024h,06ch,020h,02eh,076h,07bh
               .db     03bh,07bh,07dh,06ch,06ch,078h,079h,078h
               .db     074h,074h,063h,074h,078h,06ch,063h,063h
               .db     043h,050h,023h,023h,038h,052h,052h,041h
               .db     041h,039h,036h,041h,052h,044h,02eh,02eh
               .db     03ah,029h,029h,03eh,069h,03bh,03eh,03dh
               .db     03bh,029h,029h,03ah,05ch,028h,076h,06ch
               .db     074h,05dh,031h,07ah,061h,045h,038h,041h
               .db     05ah,051h,045h,057h,04dh,041h,052h,052h
               .db     029h,020h,02ch,063h,02dh,05fh,03ah,03ah
               .db     03ah,03ah,03ch,028h,03ch,03ah,03ah,05fh
               .db     03ah,03ch,03eh,03ah,07dh,074h,043h,032h
               .db     041h,052h,045h,035h,035h,044h,041h,052h
               .db     024h,024h,046h,02eh,07ch,078h,05ah,07ch
               .db     07eh,02fh,07eh,05fh,03ah,028h,029h,03eh
               .db     028h,03dh,07dh,03bh,069h,069h,06ch,031h
               .db     058h,034h,038h,023h,023h,023h,038h,024h
               .db     024h,024h,038h,023h,041h,046h,04bh,026h
               .db     050h,041h,000h,000h,000h,000h,000h,000h


CPM 2.2 Boot Loader Disassembly 2020.zip
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Re: Disassembling the CP/M boot loader

Post by Wmaalouli » Mon Feb 03, 2020 6:26 am

Nice work. What are you planning on doing with it?

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Re: Disassembling the CP/M boot loader

Post by Milli » Mon Feb 03, 2020 1:03 pm

Step 1 is to get the source code then I will look at fixing it. Make it 40 column with a better / faster 80 column. Also have many other ideas.

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Re: Disassembling the CP/M boot loader

Post by Wmaalouli » Tue Feb 04, 2020 4:48 pm

Now that would be fantastic!
I have not warmed up to TDOS much because there are issues with it...

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