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#FujiNet Feature for Developers - Appkeys

Posted: Tue Feb 01, 2022 4:15 pm
by tschak909
I am still writing the test program, but wanted to let developers know of a useful FujiNet feature: AppKeys.

These are small 64-byte strings that can be used to hold anything that should remain on the FujiNet and requested by the application, such as credentials or program preferences. These are stored on the FujiNet SD card, and thus can go with you, if you place the SD card in another FujiNet.

We use this on e.g. the Atari FujiNet to store user credentials, and in the weather program to store geographic location and theme preferences.

As stated before, each app key is 64 bytes in length, and are categorized by Creator and application ID. The Creator ID is 16 bits wide, allowing for 65,535 creator IDs, and the app ID is 8 bits (allowing for 256 applications per creator type), and each app can have up to 256 keys assigned to it, at 64 bytes each. This should be sufficient to store any configuration information outside of a program.

This feature is implemented using the open, read, and write appkey commands that can be sent to the Fuji device ID at any time.
