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;; sample file-to-file copy program
; at the ccp level, the command
; copy a:x.y b:u.v
boot equ 0000h ; system reboot
bdos equ 0005h ; bdos entry point
fcb1 equ 005ch ; first file name
sfcb equ fcb1 ; source fcb
fcb2 equ 006ch ; second file name
dbuff equ 0080h ; default buffer
tpa equ 0100h ; beginning of tpa
printf equ 9 ; print buffer func#
openf equ 15 ; open file func#
closef equ 16 ; close file func#
deletef equ 19 ; delete file func#
readf equ 20 ; sequential read func#
writef equ 21 ; sequential write
makef equ 22 ; make file func#
org tpa ; beginning of tpa
lxi sp,stack ; set local stack
mvi c,16 ; half an fcb
lxi d,fcb2 ; source of move
lxi h,dfcb ; destination fcb
mfcb: ldax d ; source fcb
inx d ; ready next
mov m,a ; dest fcb
inx h ; ready next
dcr c ; count 16...0
jnz mfcb ; loop 16 times
; name has been removed, zero cr
xra a ; a = 00h
sta dfcbcr ; current rec = 0
; source and destination fcb's ready
lxi d,sfcb ; source file
call open ; error if 255
lxi d,nofile ; ready message
inr a ; 255 becomes 0
cz finis ; done if no file
; source file open, prep destination
lxi d,dfcb ; destination
call delete ; remove if present
lxi d,dfcb ; destination
call make ; create the file
lxi d,nodir ; ready message
inr a ; 255 becomes 0
cz finis ; done if no dir space
; source file open, dest file open
; copy until end of file on source
copy: lxi d,sfcb ; source
call read ; read next record
ora a ; end of file?
jnz eofile ; skip write if so
; not end of file, write the record
lxi d,dfcb ; destination
call write ; write the record
lxi d,space ; ready message
ora a ; 00 if write ok
cnz finis ; end if so
jmp copy ; loop until eof
eofile: ; end of file, close destination
lxi d,dfcb ; destination
call close ; 255 if error
lxi h,wrprot ; ready message
inr a ; 255 becomes 00
cz finis ; shouldn't happen
; copy operation complete, end
lxi d,normal ; ready message
finis: ; write message given in de, reboot
mvi c,printf
call bdos ; write message
jmp boot ; reboot system
; system interface subroutines
; (all return directly from bdos)
open: mvi c,openf
jmp bdos
close: mvi c,closef
jmp bdos
delete: mvi c,deletef
jmp bdos
read: mvi c,readf
jmp bdos
write: mvi c,writef
jmp bdos
make: mvi c,makef
jmp bdos
; console messages
nofile: db 'no source file$'
nodir: db 'no directory space$'
space: db 'out of dat space$'
wrprot: db 'write protected?$'
normal: db 'copy complete$'
; data areas
dfcb: ds 32 ; destination fcb
dfcbcr: equ dfcb+32 ; current record
ds 32 ; 16 level stack